Long time viewer; never had to post before because I have always been able to find my question already answered.Thank you to everyone for the numerous jams this community has gotten me out of. I apologize in advance if this has already been answered or I am not following a rule.

I have sets of data by year. For each year I am plotting one average value for that year as a function of the year. i.e. X axis is year (1915-2014) and Y axis is the average value. These have been plotted as xy scatter. Very simple.

I also have a calculated error value for each of the averages values on the Y axis. I.e. deviation of the full year data set set from the average. I would like error bars added for each point. And I did but there are issues.

I used the + sign and toggled on "error bars". Went to more options and used custom data. The heading is vertical error bars. All is good except that the error bars are extending horizontally when they should be vertical.

So I thought: perhaps if I install "horizontal" error bars, they will be vertical; similar to what is already happening. Unfortunately, I only seem to have the "vertical" error bar option. There is no option or heading for "horizontal".

Any suggestions on how to get truly vertical error (bar is vertical) on the plot would be much appreciated.

Thank you!