I am using Excel 2013 Charting and I am trying to standardize the formatting across a number of my charts. After I have completed 20 or 30 charts, I find there are inconsistencies across the different type of charts as to font size and type, bolding, thickness of lines, bar chart outlines, chart and axis titles, etc.

I tried recording a number of macros that would take the active chart or chart object and format everything on it, but they don't work consistently across my charts. I use bar chart macros on bar charts, line chart macros on line charts, etc.

Some examples of what I would like to accomplish are:
  • All fonts New Times Roman
  • All fonts bold
  • All fonts a minimum of 12 points
  • Color bars that have a black 1.5 point black outline
  • Line charts where all the lines are smoothed and the lines are 1.5 point thickness
  • Outside tick marks on all axis
  • Data labels turned on and oval shapes used with white fill and TNR 12 point bold
  • Chart titles TNR minimum 24 point bold
  • Axis titles TNR 14 point bold

Would anyone have some code that would at least show me how to access the properties of the active Chart or Chart object. If I could at least address all text and make it TNR 12 point bold, I would be grateful. Given an example of that, I could probably figure out the rest.

