But ... what is wrong with the graph you prepared? It looks OK to me.
To not stop just after asking (stupid?) question - have a look on minor addition to outputclusters sub (I made an assumption that there is empty column left to original data (A in your attached file)
'Print by Row
rowNumber = rowNumber + 1 'Blank Row
For r = LBound(Record) To UBound(Record)
oSheet.Rows(rowNumber).Cells(1).Value = Table.Rows(r).Cells(1).Value
oSheet.Rows(rowNumber).Cells(2).Value = Record(r).Cluster
Table.Cells(1, 1).Offset(rowNumber - 1, -1).Value = Record(r).Cluster
rowNumber = rowNumber + 1
Next r
Table.Offset(0, -1).Resize(Table.Rows.Count, Table.Columns.Count + 1).Sort key1:=Table.Offset(0, -1).Cells(1, 1), Header:=xlYes
'Print Centroids - Headings