Hi Experts,
I am having trouble in "Converting Normal Excel function to DAX function"

So I thought, this time I should make a call for help in this forum. Hopefully will get the answer here.

The formula is to calculate Moving daily average of Last thirty days. (on I19)
Formula: copy to clipboard
=AVERAGEIFS(G:G,A:A,$A19,H:H,">=" & H19-30,$H:$H, "<" & H19 )

Actually the formula is for moving average for each route separately.

The formula works well but due to large Dataset, Excel takes too long to calculate.
As I was using Pivot as a base, So, I thought to convert it into DAX function which I am unable to do after many attempts.

I have filtered the Route column to reduce the rows. You can add more.

Thanks in advance

here is the link to file.