Hi everyone,
I have an excel sheet full of records that I would like to chart or graph to give me the peak time and also to give me the most simultaneous calls happening at the same time. Is this possible using Excel?
Following are the record types I got:
Date Time Duration (seconds) Called
01/01/2014 10:10 145 415-444-7777
01/01/2014 10:11 60 415-444-6666
02/01/2014 06:35 800 415-222-1111
So, the point of the graph is to show me that since the first two calls do collide with each other it means that two phone channels were being used around 10:10 AM. I have a sheet with 30,000 of records for over 3 months and I would like to know what times of the day I got the PEAK and exactly how many SIMULTANEOUS calls were going on.
Can someone help me with what chart I should use and how can I make it presentable so I can see a three month period or even one month period nicely.