Hi shane1966,
See the attached file which has been tested on Excel 2003 and 32 bit Excel 2010. 'Left Click' on a Chart to enlarge. 'Left Click' again to restore the chart to it's original position. Macros must be enabled to run the code.
To port the code to your file:
a. Export module ModEnlargeRestoreCharts from my file. Import it to your file.
b. Run Macro AssignMacroToAllChartsOnActiveSheet() on your file.
c. Save your file.
Complete code follows:
Option Explicit
Private myChartLeft As Double
Private myChartTop As Double
Private myChartWidth As Double
Private myChartHeight As Double
Sub AssignMacroToAllChartsOnActiveSheet()
'This will assign a Macro to all Charts on the Active Sheet
Dim Sh As Shape
For Each Sh In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If Sh.Type = msoChart Then
Sh.OnAction = "EnlargeOrContractShape"
End If
Next Sh
End Sub
Sub RemoveMacrosFromAllChartsOnActiveSheet()
'This will unassign Macros from all Charts on the Active Sheet
Dim Sh As Shape
For Each Sh In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If Sh.Type = msoChart Then
Sh.OnAction = ""
End If
Next Sh
End Sub
Sub EnlargeOrContractShape()
'This enlarges or contracts a Shape on the 'Active Sheet'
Dim Sh As Shape
Dim dHeight As Double
Dim dLeft As Double
Dim dTop As Double
Dim dWidth As Double
Dim dExcelUsableWidth As Double
Dim dExcelUsableHeight As Double
Dim sName As String
'Get the name of the Shape that called this routine
On Error Resume Next
sName = Application.Caller
'Process only if this routine was activated by a Chart
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Set Sh = ActiveSheet.Shapes(sName)
'Exit if the Shape is NOT a Chart
If Sh.Type <> msoChart Then
Exit Sub
End If
'Get the Excel Window Current Usable Width and Current Usable Height
dExcelUsableWidth = Application.UsableWidth
dExcelUsableHeight = Application.UsableHeight
'Get the Chart position attributes
dLeft = Sh.Left
dTop = Sh.Top
dWidth = Sh.Width
dHeight = Sh.Height
If myChartWidth = 0# Then
'Save the current (original) Chart position attributes for later restoration
myChartLeft = dLeft
myChartTop = dTop
myChartWidth = dWidth
myChartHeight = dHeight
'Resize (Maximize) the Chart
Sh.Left = 5
Sh.Top = 5
Sh.Width = dExcelUsableWidth - 40
Sh.Height = dExcelUsableHeight - 40
'Move the Shape to the Front
Sh.ZOrder msoBringToFront
'Resize the Shape to it's original position
Sh.Left = myChartLeft
Sh.Top = myChartTop
Sh.Width = myChartWidth
Sh.Height = myChartHeight
'Reset the sentinel that will allow the chart to be maximized again
myChartWidth = 0#
End If
End Sub
To enable Macros and to Run Macros see the following:
If help is still needed do a google search for 'youtube excel enable macro' and/or 'youtube excel run macro'.
To access Visual Basic (VBA) see:
a. Click on any cell in the Excel Spreadsheet (may not be needed).
b. ALT-F11 to get to VBA.
c. CTRL-R to get project explorer (if it isn't already showing).
d. Double Click on a 'Module Name' in 'Project Explorer' to see code for that module.
To import or export VBA code:
a. To export, right click on the Module Name in the 'Project Explorer'.
b. Select export file. I suggest you use a SubFolder that only contains exported (.bas) files.
Keep the original name.
c. To import, right click anywhere in 'Project Explorer'.
d. Select import file. Select a file to import.