Hello everyone!

Our current Excel table looks like thise

User ID 1 - Course 2 - 1 hour - Female - Age 35
User ID 2 - Course 6 - 6 hours - Male - Age 46
User ID 3 - Course 5 - 0.5 hours - Male - Age 23
USer ID 1 - Course 45- 2 hours - Female - Age 35
User ID 3 - Course 2 - 1 hour - Male - Age 23

(This is only a very small representation of our table, in fact it consists of almost 200.000 rows of data).

Our question is how we can sort the list according to use ID, and per user display the total number of Course hours, like this:

User ID 1 - Total number of course hours 3 - Female - Age 35
User ID 2 - Total number of course hours 6 - Male - 46
User ID 3 - Total number of course hours 1.5 - Male - 23

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
