Hi - newbie coming though

So here is my question for you guys and galls.

I got a lot of date periods from a patient undergoing cancer treatment (diagnose date, date start treatment one, date stop treatment one , ... date stop treatment 8) and some marked dates where the patient have had some sort of blood testing.

Im interested in making an chart where the x-axis is date and then adding two different series to the y-axis :

Series 1 : date-periods for treatment (example : a bar from day 30 to 40 (indicating treatment one start to stop), next bar from day 100 to 120 (treatment two start to stop) ... makes sense?

Series 2 : point dates (red dots where blood test have been taken - day 30, 35, 40, ....)

How is the best way to address this problem?
- chose the start date as a reference date, but how do I get the connection bars indication period of treatment?

Best wishes