I have the following formula where I am trying to state IF a probability of 1 is in the pivot table, then GETPIVOTDATA. It isn't liking the reference into pivot table if I want to pull a range. But does like it if I specify a certain cell. I do not want to do this because as data is entered which creates the pivot table, then the pivot table cells will change and my direct reference may not be accurate in the future. I could use the GETPIVOTDATA formula on it's own, but then it returns a REF# when there is zero data in the pivot table.

=IF('Revenue Pivot'!F4:F40=1,GETPIVOTDATA("Sum of Revenue Amount",'Revenue Pivot'!G3,'Revenue Pivot'!F3,1,'Revenue Pivot'!E3,'Main Worksheet'!C10),0)

The formula is concluding 'Revenue Pivot'!F4:F40=1 results in 0. There are 1's in my pivot table, in column F for other months. But not for the month selected in the above formula. Initially you would think this would work. However, when I put a 1 in the pivot table for the month selected in the above formula, the result is still 0. Why?
