In Excel 2010 I have a spreadsheet that holds the various details of employees who have left the company and why they left.

Firstly, I want to separately create five graphs:
1) Primary reason for leaving from highest to lowest [text recognition, e.g. career change]
2) General manager feedback [text recognition of a rating scale across several columns, e.g. agree]
3) Would work with the company again [text recognition, yes/no]
4) Things the company could have done to keep employees [text recognition, e.g. higher salary] OR simply the total number of entries as I'm not sure how to make it recognise text strings from sentences of feedback
5) Suggestions for the company [text recognition, e.g. improve systems] OR number of these things, same reason as above

Secondly, I also want to be able to filter or create other copies of these graphs according to time and location.
a) General overview
b) By location, and optionally by time within each location [text recogintion of location]
c) By time, and optionally by location in each time period [text recognition of month]

Thirdly, I want these graphs to automatically update (or be able to be refreshed by selecting a simple button) because the people who will be using the spreadsheet will not have knowledge of how to create graphs from the data when it's time to report the trends to the company. They need to update automatically or simply as new information is entered into the first tab of employee exit details.

I have managed to do various combinations of these things but can't seem to get them altogether.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
