I have a few questions pertaining to my Chart in the attached.
1) Is there a way to incorporate a bracket on top of the bars, just covering the Green (unrealized Gain), and then just the Red (unrealized loss), as well as summing up on top of the bracket, without doing this manually. If not a bracket something similar for presentation purposes. The goal is to not have to manually do this part weekly.
2) In a legend, is there a way to have more than one for a column? For example, when I add in the Legend, it will just have the color Green for Series 1 (P&L column P). I would like to have Red, and Green for this series, so I can have a color for unrealized Gain, and Unrealized Loss. Right now the Red comes up but relates to the second horizontal axis.
3) For colors, when I do a format data series, and invert if Negative, it doesn't look like all the bars are selected. If I click on a bar, a few are not highlighting. I am not sure what is going on here.