Hi to everybody!
I'm Lions and I'm new of this forum.
I have a problem with Excel 07 and Radar chart.
I have data of mountain aspect surfaces and especially the distribution of data among cardinals points.
I would a part of Radar chart with a different colors and especially one color for the part with values over 70% of the maximum value and another color for the part with value between 30% and 70% of the maximum value. The remaining part will be with another color.
I tryed to make different series and I made a radar graph near to what I want. In the image RadarChart.jpg:
- red color: > 70%
- green color: >30% and <70%
- violet color: the remaining part
But how can I paste the series red/green/violet without blank spaces? The blank parts in between are just the transfer between the three series (or colors).


Is there any alternative way to make what I need with different method?

Thank you in advance