I'm Guessing that this may have been asked before, but could not find anything. If it has been answered, I would gladly review that information if someone wants to point me in that direction.

Anyway, I have a column graph that shows company totals on the left, in three columns, and sub-group totals to the right.
These columns represent Revenue Targets (Blue), and current projections (Red) as of the current time. Ignore the green column.
I would like to add incremental amounts to the Red column weekly, as the projections change. So I want to show an increment on top of the red column.

So if LG picks up 100 of additional revenue, I want to show the increment of 100 on top of the 2000 that is there, using a different pattern or cross-hatch.

I have attached a file to show what I have at this point.

I hope my question is clear.

