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Newbie: Sorting Pivot Table into multiple groups??

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    Newbie: Sorting Pivot Table into multiple groups??

    Dear experts,
    An example file has been attached to this post for demo or any changes.

    So for a Given data I have created a pivot table, after which
    1. I need to sort the same type of data into multiple ranges e.g.
    • date-year b/w 1920-1950 and 1970-2011 and etc. and
    • capacity range b/w 0-100 and 0-300 or 300-600 etc etc.

    These requirements have been defined in the Worksheet -> Required_Arrangements. For this purpose I have inserted Slicers in the pivot table (that manually fulfills my requirements except that I can not group the year data e.g per decade or any defined range).
    1. Instead of selecting ranges manually, copy and pasting to next sheet (which is a headache for big data files), I would like to fill the Required_Arrangements table Automatically based on pivot table or original data. But I have no Idea in this case?

    May it be possible to do so, I would appreciate your comments and suggestions

    Thanks a lot in Advance

    Best Regards
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