Hello All
I have brought a column into my pivot table from the calendar table, with this format: "W/E - Feb 08", "W/E - Mar 08", etc....
Obviously this won't be sorted correctly if it is sorted alphabetically, so i also brought in a week # column, and sorted my "W/E" column based on the "Week #" column".
In Powerpivot, this worked perfectly. If i sort based off of that column, it does Feb, then Mar, then Apr.
BUT.... If I switch to my pivot table, it is not updating how it is sorted.

Update: If I make a NEW pivot table, it will sort correctly. but the existing pivot table will not. even if I remove the field, and add it back in, it won't sort correctly.
Really frustrating, as I don't want to make this pivot table from scratch, and recreate the graph I have made, but... doesn't seem to be another way. If anyone else knows a way of refreshing the sort of this column in the pivot table without creating a new pivot table, please let me know. Refreshing the pivot table also did not help, so.... not sure what else to try.