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Graphing dates by month/year with 2 bars per month/year

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Ellpoyohlokoh Graphing dates by month/year... 05-21-2014, 03:41 PM
Andy Pope Re: Graphing dates by... 05-22-2014, 05:25 AM
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    Graphing dates by month/year with 2 bars per month/year

    Hello, This is my first post ever here.

    I have a chart containing 2 columns:

    A) Send dates of emails
    B) Whether or not the emails had attachments.

    I would like to create a 2D Clustered Column graph with 2 columns that displays the number of emails sent during a month/year, with one column being the number sent with attachments and the other being items sent without attachments.

    I tried playing around with Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts, and I was able to group by Month/Year, but I couldn't figure out how to get it to display the count of items per group. When I created a Pivot Chart with this, it just came up blank.

    I've attached the workbook containing the data.

    I know this is probably very easy to do, but I'm really new at Excel and I have yet to get much experience in with it.

    Thank you!
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