Hi there,
I am working on creating a spreadsheet that employees can use to track the hours during which they worked. The spreadsheet will have each day of the week in a horizontal row with a corresponding chart to the right of each day. I have managed to create a chart in the style I want for the first day (Monday), but I am having difficulty creating a template that would allow me to easily create charts for the other days of the week.
When I create a chart from the template I created, the title of the chart does not change to reflect the day of the week that it is supposed to pull from. (IE: Chart 1 goes along with Monday; it's title is "Monday Student Work Log". But, Chart 2 goes along with Tuesday; it's title should be "Tuesday Student Work Log". But, this is not the case).
The same is the case for the student name field (although, this is not as big of a deal because the student name is unlikely to change midweek).
Additionally, the date text box does not seem to have saved in the template, and I'm not sure how to fix this.
I know this is a lot to ask help for, but please do not be discouraged by the amount of questions I have. I plan on continuing to dig for answers on my own. In the meantime, any answers to any of these questions would be greatly appreciated.
I have attached the spreadsheet to this post. Unfortunately, I cannot find a way to upload the chart template. If you need any additional information, just let me know.
Thanks in advance for all your help. I have been using this forum extensively over the past few days and have found it extremely helpful.
Edit: I should mention that the chart 1 is pulling it's data from column A (vertical axis) and column E (horizontal axis) which is hidden.
Chart 2 is pulling from O and S, and I left S visible for clarification.