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Can a Pivot Chart selectively exclude data in the Pivot Table? NO ONE HELPED ME ... :o(

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  1. #1
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    Can a Pivot Chart selectively exclude data in the Pivot Table? NO ONE HELPED ME ... :o(

    Hi Everyone:

    I'm new to pivot charts and tables, and I'm having a mental block. I have a pivot table which is giving me the data that I want/need. However I'd like the associated pivot chart to exclude one of the data columns. I need the data in the table to give me the correct calculations in the other columns, but I don't want to visually represent it. Can this be done? If necessary, I can provide sample data, but since it would take a while to prepare, I'm hoping someone can help me without it.

    Last edited by PWM; 04-23-2014 at 01:43 AM. Reason: No one else has replied to help :o(

  2. #2
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    Re: Can a Pivot Chart selectively exclude data in the Pivot Table? NOW WITH EXAMPLE DOC!

    Hello again:

    I've attached a sample doc to show what I'm talking about. In the data, there are 4 colours of balloons and how many are sold each day. My real data set is far more complex, and there is no grand total for rows in the very large data set as I receive it. Similarly there is no grand total for rows in my example sheet.

    I created a pivot table and pivot chart in my example doc.

    First question: why doesn't a grand total for the rows show up in my pivot table? I have that option checked, but it doesn't total the rows.

    Second question: I would like to chart the % of total sales per day of each colour, but exclude the red balloons. I need the red balloon data in the table in order to calculate the total number of balloons sold each day, but in my chart I don't want to see the daily % for red balloons - just the blue, green and yellow ones. Basically, I'd like the data for red balloons to be excluded from the chart, but not from the table.

    Can someone help me with this?

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  3. #3
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    Re: Can a Pivot Chart selectively exclude data in the Pivot Table? NO ONE HELPED ME ... :

    I believe Your 'source data' in A1:E12 needs to have a total column. If your true source data doesn't have a total row (and you're not able to manipulate that, perhaps you could keep that data on sheet1 and make a lookup on sheet2 that does have a total? Then all you do is refresh your pivot table and take the now available 'total' column and plunk in into the 'values' section on the pivot table field list chooser. A second option would be to create a calculated 'total' field in the pivot table (=BLUE +'GREEN ' +'YELLOW ' +RED); however that is REALLY annoying if you have a LOT of columns of data to 'sum'.

    The issue may be that you created a Pivot CHART right from the beginning; that leave the data ALWAYS linked as far as I know. I typically prefer to just create a Pivot TABLE to get all my data; then create a separate CHART that can look up whatever I want...I simply get it to look up the range of my pivot table (by highlighting it). Then my chart has data filters that are separate from the pivot table. That will allow you to have different data on the table and the chart.

    I know this was forever ago and your issue is most likely resolved; but perhaps someone else can benefit from this info. Thanks! :-)

  4. #4
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Can a Pivot Chart selectively exclude data in the Pivot Table? NO ONE HELPED ME ... :

    I have a similar situation where I want to plot percent of total for a single item. If I select just that item, then I get the percent of total is 100% of the selected item. The way I got over this for plotting was to display the entire pivot table and then use data validation to select the item I wanted. Then use the offset command to find the item in the pivot table and make a named dynamic range out of it. I used this name in my charting.

    This article has some information on dynamic charting: http://www.utteraccess.com/wiki/inde...namic_Charting.

    In case you need additional information on the offset command, look here: http://www.utteraccess.com/wiki/inde...Dynamic_Ranges.
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