I am currently using an ODBC connection through excel 2010 (on Windows 7) to access a database that was created with Omnis Studio. I am trying to locate a specific field to add to my report, but do not know the table/column name for the field when accessing it through excel. I do, however, have the query that was used to pull the data directly from the db.
The following is the query I have that yields the necessary field (which is bolded below):
SELECT emp.employee_id AS emp_id
, emp.firstname AS firstname
, emp.lastname AS lastname
, pr_srvc_emp_code as empl_service_code
FROM ag_employee emp
, gl_pl_unit plu
WHERE etyp.employee_type_id(+) = emp.employee_type_id
AND plu.pl_unit_id(+) = emp.pl_unit_id
Any suggestions for how I should move forward? Thanks!