Thank you for responding to my query. Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work. After entering the statement in the PRVDR_NUM column, I got the following message" check subquery's syntax and enclose the subquery in parentheses." It is very possible that I did not (1) adequately describe what I am working with and (2) did not put the correct table names in that statement. Here is what I did:
"SELECT [Hosp_2010_RPTa].[PRVDR_NUM]
FROM [Hosp_2010_RPTa]
WHERE Right([Hosp_2010_RPTa].[PRVDR_NUM],4) Between 1300 And 1399;"
I am working with two linked files: Hosp_2010_RPTa and Hosp_2010_NMRCa. The value common to both is the record number. The provider number (PRVDR_NUM) resides in the Hosp_2010_RPTa file.
Hope this helps you to help me.
Thanks again for your help.
Al Charbonneau