I had a post last week on this subject but I wasn't very clear. I will try again. This DB is going out to different sites. Each site will have a different shared drive. Therefore, it will be an unknown to me.
I am sending a zip file, a vbscript, and a Word document with instructions to read first. They will download these to C:\Program Files.
1) They will run the script file which will create a folder on their C:\ Drive. This folder has other files and folders in it.
2) They will move the BE file to a location on their shared drive, which is unknown to me. (I received a script for this)
3) I will put a button on a form. When clicked, it will close that database, open a dialog box so that the user can select that folder and copy it to a shared drive. (I need a script for this)
That is what I need. Thank you very much.