Hi everyone,

My name is Elen and I'm facing a problem dealing with excel tables.
I'm processing some indexes for my thesis and I can't find a quick way to separate the data.

I have a general table as follow: But imagine this for as many as 10.000 companies from different countries.

company name & index 2000 2001 2002 ....... 2011
A1 -total assets (observations)
A2 - Net sales
A3 - Liabilities
B1-total assets
B2 - Net sales
B3 - Liabilities
C1-total assets
C2 - Net sales
C3- Liabilities

I need a quick way so that I can separate the above gathered data in 3 respectively tables where all companies (A,B,C... etc)
will show in case one only the total assets, than the Net sales than Liabilities.

It would be something like this:

2000 2001 2002 ..... 2011
A1 -total assets (only total asset observations)
B1 -total assets
C1 -total assets


2000 2001 2002 ..... 2011
A1 -Net sales (only Net sales observations)
B1 -Net sales
C1 -Net sales


2000 2001 2002 ..... 2011
A1 -Liabilities (only liabilities observations)
B1 -Liabilities
C1 -Liabilities

COULD SOMEONE HELP ME WITH THIS ONE??? Till now I have been copying the same excel in three different sheets and manually deleting each
time the observations I do not need. But this might take for ever!!!!

Thank you in Advance.