I am trying to create a system to enter in youth soccer players info and have it generate teams and schedules.
Some players will have a parent willing to coach, so these players need to start a new team. Some players will be requesting to rejoin their team from last season so these players need to be assigned to those teams. All other players need to be randomly and evenly placed on all open teams - at the end each team should roughly have the same number of players.
For scheduling I need it to then take each team and place them in an open schedule position. All of the teams can play each other. Each team needs to play a total of 10 games.

The problem is that I need to create this to use each season but I will not know how many players are signing up or how many teams I will have until we are done.

I know that there are programs out there to do this for me, but we are a very small city league from a poor community - I don't want to ask our parents to pay anymore than they have to.

I am not very good at Excel or Access, but I am willing to try and make this work -- just need a little help in getting started.

Thank you for anything you can do to help me figure this out!