Hi guys, new here.
I'm trying to create a VBA script that copies data from excel into a word doc for printing.
The data is names and adresses which i wish to print to labels. It doesn't nessecerily need to be via word...
My problem is that in the excel cells the data is in one single cell with crlf between each line, like:
lblStr = "name" & vbCrLf
lblStr= lblStr & "adress" & vbCrLf
then I have a script that copies the entire excel table into word, taken here:
e.g. data in cell
name namsson
adr 10
The data in the resulting word table looks like this:
name namsson
adr 10
I.e. with double carrige return + line feeds??!!
but it doesn't really matter if I use a script, because if I copy a single cell content manually and then paste it into the wordtable cell I get the same problem.
What can I do?
Better ways to move data to word or can I set excel up to be formatted so that the data fits to the label stickers in the printer.
Thanks in advance