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Breaking down access tables, how far is too far?

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    Question Breaking down access tables, how far is too far?

    I'm working on my first very large access project. My customer has a medium sized business with multiple divisions, each with their own processes, management tools (web/local), and unique problems. They all must go through Coorporate, where they have to be unified for payroll, accounting etc... It's a mess every week. Although each division is relatively unique it is fairly normal to have 1 person simultaneously categorized as a customer in more than one, as well as an employee in one, and a contractor in another (not to mention where he/she may have been classified in the past).

    Now for the question: Is it going too far in the name of breaking information down to its smallest parts, to have say, 1 table for all people? This table would include only the few constant particulars as fields (Ssn/dob/gender etc...) and is related to multiple other tables that's would detail the particulars of any other category said person fell into, using query based forms? Am I making this too difficult? Or is this a good practice vs. Having separate customer/employee/contractor tables?
    Last edited by mchadw; 08-15-2011 at 08:52 PM. Reason: Solved. Many thanks to MarvinP!

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