I am not at all sure why your query does not work. But I did find one irregularity. Your combo box for the Rating is bound on column one of your table (the ID), however your movie listing table has a text value for ratings. You have a data mismatch in your query that needs to be resolved. You are using a number request in your query but the table containing the movies has a text rating. This will never return results.
Your add a movie form is unbound to your table. It will never update to the table unless you either bind the form to the table. Then it will update automatically. Or you can write some code to have the unbound form populate the table. Look at the data pig site for how to do this. He has a tutorial.
Having said all this, have you taken any classes on Access or studied any books. Your process seems to be disjointed. I suggest you get a book or do some research on this and find a tutorial -step by step - or you will just be spinning your wheels for a long time to come.
I cannot find anything else wrong with the query (search). It has to be in the table setup and population. Why it is not generating results confuses me. You may want to start over with a clean table -- build some input forms using the wizard that are bound to the table. Then create your search query. Oh yes. Run a compact and repair regularly during development. Otherwise, your db will become bloated.