I didnt think of it like that.
.Looked at your code for the button. Reverse the order of the docmds. You want to open the form first and then add a new record.
OK will fix that .. thanks
OK will fix that tooYour third item. You have named your form "Search Movies" but in your query you are directing the criteria to look at the form "SearchForm" which does not exist.
good point and again something i didnt think of.I don't understand the need for a form to edit the results as you can edit the results directly in the query data sheet.
ok will have a look at that.If you want a duplicates query, use the query wizard to create a duplicates query.
[quote]I also don't understand the need for a disk nr. in your table and search.[multiple movies on them and the disks themselves are all numbered/quote]
the disk number is because i have a large number of disks with
ok will fix that also ... thanksBTW, you should change your field names to not include # sign. Access doesn't like special characters in field names. Here is link to reserved names and characters
appreciate your responses and I will post again with the results of your suggestions and answers.
thanks heaps for that