I am trying to create a database of my movies.
I have created the table that will hold the data and I have created a form to enter the data however I am having trouble figuring out how to make the data entry work.
Attached is a copy of the database.
I would like the form titled "form open" to open when I run the database.
the "add new movie" button opens the add new movie form.
the search movies button opens a new form to search for a particular movie
the show all button should just open the table behind the database.
in the add new movie form I would like to use the add movie button to add a new record, when the new record form opens the movie# field needs to generate automatically with the next number in the sequence based upon the last number in the ID field. (thought I could do this by linking the movie# field to the ID field in properties).
also want to know if it is possible to have the data verified as being unique before the entry is added and if it is a duplicate entry a window opens showing the duplicate entries
and obviously the return to main menu button will close the form and return to the "form open" form.
Search button to open the search movies form.