Hello all, I'm trying to convert an Excel spreadsheet, loaded with forms and macros, into an Access DB to accomodate growing size and number of users participating. This may end up being a little verbose, so I do apologize, but will put *** near my actual question towards the end.
Right now I'm using this spreadsheet to track the results of regression tests over time. Tests are run by an automated system a few times per day, and all of the failures are logged in a text file and distributed by email. I extract the text and plop it into a spreadsheet, which does some clean up work. I track all those failures, log new failues, and assume any of the previously failing questions which are not in that log are now passing the regression tests.
So, anything in the log is a failure. I use a combination of user id and timestamp from the actual question to determine if it's a new issue(in which case it's added to the bottom of the list) or an existing query which had previously been passing, but now fails (in which case the line containing the original query is marked with a FAIL. Everything else is updated as a PASS.
*** In order to replicate this in Access, where a single query needs to be updated 3x per day, and I need to KEEP the previous updates for that item, do I need to add a new field to my table every time I want to log results?***
I apologize if this is unclear - just trying to get my bearings, and will be happy to clarify however I can.
Regards, and if you've made it this far, THANK YOU!