i got the query correct when i run my maintablequery with the run mode all the names appear, the paramater value did not appear, hope its a good sign,now i think my problem is the VB code... even the clear button dont work i double check the code its correct here is my code in clear
Private Sub Command6_Click()
Me.qstudents.Value = ""
Me.qschool.Value = ""
End Sub
i also try this code
Private Sub Command6_Click()
Me.qstudents.Value = ""
Me.qschool.Value = ""
End Sub
still no effect...
my criteria is: Like [Forms]![Searchform].[qstudents] & "*" and Like [Forms]![Searchform].[qschool] & "*"
qstudents is the name of the blankfield in Search form and same in qschool.
note: when i write the criteria, when im in Like Forms!"2 option appear here" 1st option Formsearch, 2nd optiion List of students... i tried list of students it bring me the enter parameter value, when i select searchform when i run it it shows me all the records in my maintable "List of Students Table" .
because i have 2 forms...
even the run command dont effect here is my code in run
Private Sub Command7_Click()
DoCmd.OpenQuery "maintable", acViewNormal
End Sub
in my understanding in the DoCmd.OpenQuery "your query table name", acViewNormal
my Query table name is maintable... but it seems it dint open the query table... i make only 2 indexs which are students field and school field....
am i writing the correct code?