Hello Again Everyone! I hope you are all doing well since the last time I posted.
I play Massachusetts state keno, and in the past I was able to copy the numbers off the lottery's website, and paste them HORIZONTALLY (from left to right) into rows in Excel which from a function would insert them into their individual columns. Attached below is an example.
Now the lottery has changed their website, so when I copy the numbers that are horizontal on the website page, they paste vertically from top to bottom into columns on my excel spread sheet instead of horizontally into rows like I have in the Original Example.
I just found out about Query's, and from the little research I've done, I believe I am looking to run a power query where the data is imported automatically into Excel from the lottery's website. If you could help me, I am looking to import all past & future results.
Also attached is another example from the 1st 20 games from today 6/26/24.
So the question I am asking... How can I import the numbers automatically from the lottery's website (past results as well), so that they ship into my excel spreadsheat HORIZONTALLY from left to right? I want the information imported to the right side of the spread sheet beginning with the date.
Below are the links to the Massachusetts State Lottery keno past draws, as well as a link to Massachusetts State Lottery Data Base for today (I only know how to find the data bases by days, and not all the draws on one page)
I appreciate your help with this issue. Thank you all.![]()