Hi there

It has been some time since I have used Access.. I am very rusty, especially with regards to my coding. I started a very basic daily form project which has 4 different fields. The 4 text fields I added all use short time as a format. I would appreciate some help regarding the button coding immensely. Each work day (Hours worked) is 8 hours.It can be >8<. If the employee clocks out later, the extra time must be added to the overtime field.

1st Shift time in: 08:00
1st Shift time out: 12:30

2nd Shift time in: 14:00
2nd Shift time out: 17:30 CALCULATE (button)

Hours worked: _________ (textbox)
Overtime: _________ (textbox)

I have been busy with the combo boxes in this particular project. Is there a way to populate a 2nd combo box with only relevant information?

E.g I have a department combo box. When I select "IT", I want the employee combo box to only display all the "IT" personnel. I have the two required fields in a relationship. I do not know the correct coding, I have tried many different sources/code.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!