About Excel Forum:

Excel Forum (www.excelforum.com) is the world’s largest community consisting of Excel enthusiasts and experts.

Our community has the most wide-reaching network of MS Excel specialists from around the globe with ~1500 signups and close to 1.5 million visitors every month.

We assist users from all around the world in solving their Excel related queries and difficulties. Be it the matter of creating interactive spreadsheets or designing complex Macros, you name it we have it.

Typically, our community receives an average of 300 Microsoft Excel related queries in a day and 12 queries in a minute. And each query receives at least 4 to 5 responses from our specialists.

The vision behind Excel Forum is to spread knowledge about MS Excel and help more people learn Excel. This community covers not only advanced Excel material but also a lot of basic topics for people who are new to Excel/VBA or are not that proficient at it.

So, whether you are a beginner or an expert, Excel Forum is the place to get the answers to all your simple as well as complex spreadsheet problems. We get you customized Excel solutions along with step-by-step guidance to make sure that you get what you are looking for.

Apart from helping Excel users and enthusiasts, Excel Forum community is also beneficial for our Experts as the amount they earn by responding to queries serves as an extra income.

And that is not all, if you think that you have it in you and if you are confident enough that you can help people with their Excel/VBA problems, you too can join the forum and get benefits from our Commercial Services by responding to Excel queries every day!

If you too have an Excel query or if you need assistance in completing complicated MS Excel projects from our experts, you can avail our Commercial Services at nominal charges.

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