Copy Range Values from Closed Workbook from any Worksheet Item
A quick spin off from a few Threads and Posts.
Function Arguments:
_1) The Function takes as first argument the Full File Path and Name ( As String ) of a closed File.
_2) The second argument is the Range (Rectangular Area of contiguous cells ( greater than 1) ) to be copied ( As a String in “A1:G32” OR “$A1:$C$4” type format )
_3) The Third argument is the Range ( As Range Object ) of Top left of where the Imported Range Values should start.
_4) The Forth optional argument is the Worksheet Name if known, which if known should be given**_.....
_5) **_...The Fifth optional argument is Worksheet Item number (Consecutive number of Tab counting from the left). If this Fifth argument is given, then this will be used rather than the Worksheet Name. This option should only be taken if necessary as the Function is considerably faster if the Worksheet Name is available. ( The Fifth argument when given takes precedence over the Worksheet name, which if also given will be ignored )
Whilst in the Function a CSE entered Array formula of Links to the Range in the Closed Workbook is entered into the receiving Worksheet. The Function Itself returns an Array() of the Range Values.
So if you want to Paste in Links, then you simply
Call LValsClsdWB( ____ )
The returned Array can then be used if necessary to overwrite the CSE Links. So then you would use the Function thus_...
Let arr() = LValsClsdWB( ____ )
_.... and then overwrite the Range of Links
This is demonstrated in the accompanying test Program.
The Function is simplified, ( no error handling etc..) and spared of too many ‘explanations. Detailed explanations and extended Codes are to be found in the referenced Threads and Posts
I tested the code with this data in the second sheet of a closed worksheet, ( “ProAktuelle01.06.2016.xlsx” )
Using Excel 2007 32 bit
Row\Col C D 3FromC3 FromD3 4FromC4 FromD4
Line 150 to 170 in the Test Sub Routine give these results
Row\Col B C 2FromC3 FromD3 3FromC4 FromD4
Lines 120 or 130 in the Test Sub Routine give the same values in the Worksheet as above, but in the cells are the following links ( as seen in the Formula Bar )
Row\Col B C 2='C:\Users\Elston\Desktop\petra ernährung ab juli\Juni2016\[ProAktuelle01.06.2016.xlsx]Tabelle1'!$C$3:$D$4 ='C:\Users\Elston\Desktop\petra ernährung ab juli\Juni2016\[ProAktuelle01.06.2016.xlsx]Tabelle1'!$C$3:$D$4 3='C:\Users\Elston\Desktop\petra ernährung ab juli\Juni2016\[ProAktuelle01.06.2016.xlsx]Tabelle1'!$C$3:$D$4 ='C:\Users\Elston\Desktop\petra ernährung ab juli\Juni2016\[ProAktuelle01.06.2016.xlsx]Tabelle1'!$C$3:$D$4
Function and Test code:
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' Rem Ref
' Trevor TM Schucks
' Robert Trebor
' Alan Elston ( Doc.AElstein )