Hi snb
Thanks again. I have spent some time looking at this. I have the initial problem solved.
( But then I have a problem with a particular pdf File. – I am only getting a small amount of the text
Here a summary of what I have done:
First I change just the diacritic . ( I usually do replace things like ä with ae , I just oversaw it in this case. )
So First,
_2a) I rename my pdf File example, just changing Nährwerte to Naehrwerte
Then run this code
Code does not error, but nothing happens.
_2b) I see also some spaces in my File name. I have occasionally had problems with that.
So I made a copy of the pdf File with a shorter and more descriptive pdf File name, McDStd.pdf.
I run this code
_.... BINGO !! ( It works ! )
For completeness,
_ I tried no spaces in the original file name
Also Works !!!!
( a handy trick if you want to prevent someone converting your pdf File !! eith that code, Lol.. )
Maybe the result makes sense: if you have extra spaces , then a code line may “look” to the complier as having extra arguments?
= ________ Argument1 Argument2 Argument3 etc... etc..
Then I tried further
He He !! The second loop never stops !! Or rather it does stop.. but I cannot run any other code ! ?
What is this telling me?
I have never had a simple answer which I can understand to what DoEvents does. Possibly it is telling me I can do anything else with my computer except running a VBA code, as I have a VBA code Looping for ever ! ?
I can save my File. So I save it. Then Close it. Then Open it. -- All is well .
( If I comment out ‘DoEvents, then the code does go for ever and I cannot stop it !! – I have to close Excel brutally, and restart Excel ! )
Now I run the code but use the File with no spaces in the File Name , ( Standardprodukte_Nährwerte_ab29.07.2014.pdf ) , ( and correct the “Trigger”
So the problem was just the extra spaces in the File name.
_ .....
Once again for completeness – What happens if the Text File does not exist ? – Try a code that works but delete the text File before running this code:
Result: it makes the File ,
. So it works without having a text File present.
Thanks again for the help snb 
Unfortunately , when I try to use the code on another more complicated File , the text File produced only has a small amount of text . It does not produce the main Table text which is the main thing I am interested in. 
This is that File
This code “works for it” _......
_ But..... This is the produced File
... It is only giving me some initial text which is not of interest to me.
( I am continuing to look at this for now here ( in the test Sub Forum ):
If I do not get any further I may start a new Thread in one of the other Sub Forums or elsewhere, ( or otherwise Kyle is going to get very upset in me High jacking here.. Lol.. )
( P.s. Adobe are not too helpful _.. and I would like, if possible, to avoid that route
https://forums.adobe.com/message/9063708#9063708 )