Hi LJMetzger
OK I have to apologize for the below statement. I took the folder to my other computer
and put it on the desktop and changed the file path, and it worked perfect, thanks you so much.
the problem is I changed some registry on this computer for DDE and it no longer works on this
computer, so I will have to probably wipe excel and reload it on this one.
below is the problem with this comp now, not with the code. i'll leave the answer this way
incase someone has the same problem using this code.
and i'll mark this as solved. 
Thanks Again LJMetzger
all hail LJMetzger hehe.
I get an error when I paste this into my command button, I'm using the active x control button on my sheet.
could that be the problem?.
below I get the dreaded yellow on this line ( Set xlApp = New Excel.Application).