I am dealing with about 20 different worksheets of real estate data in
one Excel file and am in the process of putting them all into 1
worksheet - because the total number of rows is just less than 65,536!
Before I copy one of the 20 worksheets into the main worksheet I need
to filter the data using EasyFilter (by Ron de Bruin MVP) and I need to
highlight a whole column of data from the top populated cell to the
bottom populated cell before I can filter it. Two (2) questions please:
1. How can I do this highlighting process quickly without have to wait
a long time before the cursor reaches the bottom row (usually about
3000 rows long)? By the way, I cannot simply click the column header at
the top because the column needs to start at a specific populated cell
and finish at the end of the column of data - not just the whole column
as if I was deleting it.
2. Is there a simple way for me to accumlate all the worksheets into
one main worksheet without have to copy and paste each one into the
main worksheet?
Any tips that people might have about working with long lists would be
great - as well as creating Pivot Tables across more than one
Pelham Higgins