My intention is to show a simple way, using quite simple formulas, how to create in a separate sheet, a "mirror" of the data in the first sheet, before and after, using an automatic filter, in this first sheet.
See and evaluate it!
My intention is to show a simple way, using quite simple formulas, how to create in a separate sheet, a "mirror" of the data in the first sheet, before and after, using an automatic filter, in this first sheet.
See and evaluate it!
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This is interesting as I didn't think about this before, but I have use for something similar to this.
Thanks for sharing.
Last edited by abousetta; 07-09-2012 at 01:46 PM.
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Awesome ....nice spreadsheet.
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Nice one, Fotis.
just a point tho fyi ROW()-ROW(D$4) is always a bit awkward maybe replace that with row(a1) or ROWS($A$1:A1) or even ROWS($A$5:A5)
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very nice @fotis!
with 2007, this is a bit easier to achieve through the use of the Camera tool (which can be found under More Commands > All Commands). i have updated your file with that feature too for the benefit of those who may be looking for this sort of a functionality...
- i.s.z -
CSE, aka Array aka { }, formulae are confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER.
Replace commas ( , ) with semicolons ( ; ) in formulae, if your locale setting demands.
All good ideas are courtesy resources from this forum as well as others around the web.
- e.o.m -
btw, the camera tool is not new to 2007 and only gives you a picture - you can't then do anything further with those cells as you can with the original tip. it should also be used with care as it can grind any macros to a halt.
if at first you don't succeed try doing it the way your wife told you to
super! good information. i wonder why macros that would be so - macro unfriendly?
the camera tool works by creating a metafile (basically a vector image of whatever is in the region you took a snapshot of) which it displays in the control. since it's a live link this metafile has to be recreated when you make changes to the workbook, which slows things down even in the UI. the more complicated the image (eg you snapshot a range with charts & shapes etc) the more work involved. similarly the more snapshots you take, the more metafiles. normally in vba you turn off screenupdating to speed things up but this does not affect the camera images so the speed is affected badly. the simplest workaround is probably to use a conditional formula in the picture link so you can turn it off when you start processing. I reckon you could probably also use lockwindowupdate to stop the control from redrawing.
having said all of that, it's still really useful if used well - especially as you can apply all kinds of effects to the picture.
getting a mite sidetracked though I reckon ;-)
Last edited by JosephP; 07-11-2012 at 08:20 AM.
thank you, joseph. i think it just the right amount and type of information for me - no sidetracking there...
Excellent, Fotis!
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