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Vlookup or Index ...formulate a table

  1. #1
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    Vlookup or Index ...formulate a table

    I'm trying to find a way to use either Vlookup or Index function to return a value in a table that corresponds with the number at the top of each column.

    The issue is, I will be looking up the name on the left of my output table and it corresponds with the number in the top row for each column, however the number from the feeder table is is not in the same format, it's in a column instead of a row. So basically I need to match up the top cell in the column (month number) with the name to the left, but in teh feeder table these will be matched as a Row. Kind of hard to explain.

    Further complicating the issue is that not all names have numbers for every month, so some will be #N/A or, ideally, left blank. But I assume I can fix that with an IF statement on my own.

    obviously in the real file I'm using there are 12 months not 8, but I just got too lazy to make it that big. Anyway I hope I've explained it well enough.

    Anyway thanks in advance.

    PS I left the Price column in the feed table blank but I will be making another table like the one for the "quantity" numbers only for the price numbers instead.

    Again, thanks in advance. This site is great and all of y'all's time is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,

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  2. #2
    Forum Expert contaminated's Avatar
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    Re: Vlookup or Index ...formulate a table

    Use pivot Table

    Or use this in J6
    copy down then acorss
    Last edited by contaminated; 05-25-2010 at 12:20 PM.
    Люди, питающие благие намерения, как раз и становятся чудовищами.

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    Vusal M Dadashev

    Baku, Azerbaijan

  3. #3
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Re: Vlookup or Index ...formulate a table

    Have you considered a Pivot table:

    See attached.
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    Where there is a will there are many ways.

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