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sumif question

  1. #1
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    sumif question

    i am making a golf spreadsheet for my upcomming outing, and i would like to have my excel spreadsheet auto-calc strokes per hole, so that i do not have to manually input the number of strokes per hole each player gets.

    so if a person's handicap is 10, i would like for the sumif to see in the input box where i enter the "10", and have the range be <= to the person's handicap, make the value for the cell "strokes" to be "1".

    if you are a golfer, as well as a good excel person, it would probably be helpful, since i'm sure i have confused some of you. sorry.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Paul's Avatar
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    Hi rockville9,

    Not only am I a former golf pro, I'm reasonably good with Excel. Could you post a copy of your spreadsheet with some example data and results. We can then come up with a formula that will do specifically what you need.


  3. #3
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    how do i post a copy of the file? i tried to attach it, but the forum said .xls is an invalid file.

    golf pro, eh? going to myrtle next week. playing at barefoot landing & dunes club.

    when i post the copy of the worksheet, note that each sheet is genreated to configure odds in a paramutel-style betting format. i did most of it myself, but since you probably know a thing or two about excel that i don't, if you could take a look at it, i would greatly appreciate it.

    thanks a lot.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert Paul's Avatar
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    You must zip Excel files before uploading them. Right-click on the file and choose Send To -> Compressed Folder. Upload the newly created file. (Or use WinZip or another zip utility to zip it and upload that file.)

  5. #5
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    ok here it is.

    there is a lot going on in this, but the scorecard for each player (1-16) is where the problem is. i think i might be best off inputing each hole's handicap, and and using sumif to figure out strokes per hole.

    by the way, thanks for the compressed folder help, too.
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  6. #6
    Forum Expert Paul's Avatar
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    Hi again, rockville,

    Take a look at this updated version of your workbook. I made the following changes:

    1. Created a new sheet called 'HandicapHoles'. Use this sheet to enter the handicap holes for each course (e.g. Hole 1 is the 5th hardest hole, Hole 2 is the 17th, etc.). I'm sure you're familiar with that information.

    2. On the HandicapHoles sheet, I created a named range for each course (BLL = Barefoot Landing - Love, BLF = Barefoot Landing - Fazio, DC = Dunes Course, BLS = Barefoot Landing - Shark, HCPHoles = B2:S2). This is to make the formulas MUCH shorter, otherwise we'd be referencing something like IF(INDEX(HandicapHoles!$B$2:$S$2,MATCH(M$5,HandicapHoles!$B$1:$S$1,0)... instead of IF(INDEX(BLL,MATCH(M$5,HCPHoles,0)...

    3. On your player tabs (numbered 1 through 16) I assumed the number stored in cell AF4 is the player's actual handicap. Hopefully that is correct, since the formulas I put into M7:AD7, M11:AD11, M15:AD15 and M19:AD19 reference it statically. I didn't take into account any rounding, e.g. 11.9 would be a 12 handicap vs. 11, though. It could be added, though, and would only slightly lengthen the formulas.

    I updated the formulas for player 1 (tab "1") that are highlighted in yellow. They're not short (even with named ranges), but they get the job done. I also made the assumption that nobody would have a handicap higher than 36, since that is the highest recognized USGA handicap for men - which would result in 2 strokes per hole. Here is the formula for M7 (which I copied across to AD7, then copied that row to the other four courses in M11:AD11, etc.) You should be able to copy these rows to all of the other sheets as long as they are laid out the same.
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    Essentially the formulas in M7:AD7 (and the other Mxx:ADxx) check to see if the Handicap Hole value for that specific hole on that specific course is less than the golfer's handicap in AF4. If so, AND the handicap hole value is also less than AF4-18, then they get 2 strokes per hole. (If hole 1 was handicap hole 5, and the golfer had a 28 handicap then both conditions are true - the handicap hole is less than the handicap AND it's also less than the handicap minus 18.)

    If one of those conditions fails, it performs a second test to see if the handicap hole is less than the golfer's handicap but not greater than the golfer's handicap minus 18. If that is the case (say the golfer's handicap is 11), then they get 1 stroke on any handicap hole of 11 or less.

    If neither of those are true, then the only other option is that the handicap hole isn't less than the golfer's handicap, in which case the golfer doesn't get any strokes on that hole.

    For you non-golfers that may seem confusing, and for golfers I may have made it confusing, but just know it works.
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  7. #7
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    Thank You

    OMG!!! paul, this is excellent (pun, not really intended, but appropriate). thank SOOOO much for the help, because i was wondering how i would be able apply 2 strokes for the 19 and above handicaps.

    your efforts are greatly appreciated.

    thanks again.


  8. #8
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    Re: sumif question

    First of all, this formula is great. It is exactly what I was looking for a golf outing I am running. I am trying to adapt this to a 9 hole course where there are a couple of older guys who have a greater than 18 handicap for 9 holes. They need to get 3 strokes on the harder holes. I know it isn't USGA regulation but this league has been around longer than me and that is the way they run it. So if their handicap is 19 they would get 3 strokes on the hardest handicap hole and 2 on the rest. Any help would be appreciated.

  9. #9
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    Re: sumif question

    Hello and welcome to the forum,

    Please take a few minutes to read the forum rules and start a new thread instead of posting a question in another member's thread. If this thread is relevant then you may wish to add a link to it.

    Good luck.


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