I am having trouble with Microsoft Excel. I have a file with 22 (give or take) worksheets in it. Each sheet is pulling data from an access database. Right now I have it saved as a template that inspectors will pull up each day, save the template under a different name (the corresponding date that they record data). What I'm having problems with is that I want to be able to program excel to pull the data from access that is from the current day that they are recording instead of pulling ALL of the information from the database.

Also, is there a way that I could make it so that the template doesn't retrieve data, but when new files are made from the template (with the corresponding date) retrieves that data that is specified for the date that they record the data on? I'm trying to find easy solutions for these so that the inspector doesn't have to do a lot of work and enter information for each specific connection on each of the 22 individual sheets.

Thank you!