It depends where the data is coming from and going to. If I assume correctly you care copying data from Calculated.xlsx to the second sheet of the Paste workbook? You could do it all with one macro enabled workbook or if you don't necessarily want to update both books simultaneously then you could replicate the code above. The change you have to make is the destination where you want the data pasted into the Paste workbook - you have to define the sheet you want the data copied into.
So you could use the code above to copy data from Surveys to Sheet 1 of the paste workbook. Then copy this code and place it into the Calculated workbook (which will now need to be a macro enabled workbook) and you would need to make sure you change it to paste the data into the correct sheet of the Paste workbook (I will assume Sheet2)
If you want to copy data from Calculated.xlsx and Surveys.xlsm at the same time you could easily change the code so you could do all the work in 1 macro in Surveys.xlsm. Do you want both Paste sheets updated at the same time i.e. Data from Surveys copied to Sheet1 of Paste and Data from Calculated to Sheet2 of Paste workbook.?If you cannot work out the steps from the information above then if you spell out exactly what data is going to which sheets from which workbook - be very specific - I will rewrite the code however be VERY VERY specific about what data is going from where (original data) to where (destination). You will have it clear in your mind however I need to be clear if you need further help.
I hope this makes sense - just ask if you need help.