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Compile error concerning project or library running macro

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor rkjudy's Avatar
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    Compile error concerning project or library running macro

    I am a novice at VB and know just enough to be dangerous. I have a pretty complex spreadsheet with many macros. One macro (called "Save a Copy"), creates a copy of the workbook, saves it into a seperate folder, and names it with the current date and the contents of a particular cell. It works perfect on my machine using Excel 2003 SP3. One of my users has Excel 2002. When she hits the "Save a Copy" macro button, she gets a compile error stating "Can't find project or library". If she hits Debug, it leads her to what appears to be an issue with the Format command within the code. This occurs when it tries to format the date before performing the save. I discovered somewhere that if I close the debug screen, go back to the VB screen and go to Tools>References, I see that "MISSING:Microsoft Outlook 14.0 Object Library" is checked. If I uncheck that box and go back to the spreadsheet, the "Save a Copy" macro will work and not present the compile error. But, it will only work during THAT Excel session only. If I close and restart Excel, the "Save a Copy" macro will error out again and I have to go back to VB and uncheck that box again. Can anyone explain what is happening and how I can cure this problem? Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

    Here is my code.
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    Last edited by rkjudy; 12-07-2010 at 09:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert jaslake's Avatar
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    Re: Compile error concerning project or library running macro

    Hi rkjudy

    Just guessing here because I can't test this. The Outlook Library for Office 2002 is "Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library".

    What I would try is to open the ORIGINAL workbook on the 2002 users platform. Delete the reference to "Microsoft Outlook 14.0 Object Library" and set the reference to "Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library". Save and close the ORIGINAL file. Reopen it and run the procedure again. Just my thoughts. Try it, it may work.

    The assumption is that the user actually needs the reference to Outlook.


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