Hi tommytee
The modules I supplied are standard modules - they don't run until you ask them to. The module that Roy supplied is an "event procedure" - it runs whenever a predefined event takes place, in this case before a double click happens (look at the title of the macro ...) As such it needs to be placed in a special module, behind sheet 1. Have another look at the book Roy uploaded and you'll see what I mean.
The line preceded with a ' is indeed a comment, however the next line does the gritty work : If Target (the cell you're in) .Column (grab the column number) <> (doesn't equal) 3 (column C) Then Exit Sub(bail out). If you want this to be column A change the 3 to a 1.
Once you've put these change into place have a look at my code, as this checks to see if column 14 equals True, so this line would need changing :
to :
This is if you're using column A (we like to call it A but remember that Excel likes to refer to it as a number
Hopefully with those changes in place it should start to come together.
As always, shout out if you come unstuck, but try and get the ticks working first, then concentrate on the other bits.