Hello: I have been banging my head against the wall for weeks on how to work this one out!
I work at a trucking company which has multiple parking lots with many trailers on them. I keep Excel "maps" which work as overhead views of the yards with numbers displayed to keep inventory and I update these maps daily. I've been trying to find a way to link the list of trailer numbers that are supposed to be sitting in our yards (according to our company inventory) to the yard maps so that it will confirm that the trailer is actually sitting on the yard. Not only that, I would also like the spreadsheet to say what yard or row the trailer is sitting in, and somehow indicate that a trailer is there that shouldn't be there or that a trailer is missing. (the main yard is divided into rows Row A, B, C, etc, the other yards are not but I'd like it to say the name of the yard it is sitting in)
I attached a couple of demo images to give a visual on what I'd like it to be like. Each yard map would occupy it's own tab or sheet. Can this be done? Please let me know cause this would save me at least an hour each day if I could update the maps only and not have to manually change each row if a trailer moved or left!
PS. Maybe the additional and missing trailers could occupy separate tabs if necessary???
Also, I know my demo's are in Open Office but I use Excel at work