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Multi-Dimensional concatif coding

  1. #1
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    Multi-Dimensional concatif coding

    Hi I'm a totally new into VBA/Coding and my problem is somewhat complicated (at least for me).. I hope there's anyone can help me on this


    Row 17 - Row 383 is my basic schedule table where it starts. '7'(hours) & team A/B/C are the variables which people enters in, delete out or change. I previously used 'concatif' function I got from someone else to list out the names who entered a value '7' from the schedule table above. The result currently shows as Row 9 - Row 10 with this 'concatif' function. The dates in the result table is simply '=Today()' and '=Workday(x,y)' formula. And of course the dates in the result table changes everyday accordingly.

    Now I'm trying to improve this little bit on the result table by listing out the names separately based by each person's team. Hopefully, I wish the a new result table show as below.


    I've never done with the coding before.. so if there's anyone who can help with this.. I will learn a lot from it and of course would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,

    Current Cell C10

    =ConcatIf(INDIRECT("C" & MATCH(C$9,$B$19:$B$383,0)+18 & ":O" & MATCH(C$9,$B$19:$B$383,0)+18), $C$17:$O$17, ", ")

    Current 'concatif' Coding

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  2. #2
    Forum Expert Vikas_Gautam's Avatar
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    Re: Multi-Dimensional concatif coding

    Here is another way of doing it...( An array entered formula.. use Ctrl + shift + enter to confirm it.)
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    Here is the JoinC Code with will concatenate the results.
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    You didn't provided the Row and Column No. of your output table below.
    So I Assumed like this:-
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    Note:- Put the above formula in C2 by using CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER and Drag downwards and Sideways.


    Here is the link you can find the JoinC Code:-
    Concatenating Rows (JoinR) and Columns (JoinC)
    Last edited by Vikas_Gautam; 02-04-2015 at 01:05 AM.
    Vikas Gautam

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  3. #3
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    Re: Multi-Dimensional concatif coding

    Hi Vikas, your function with JoinC comes with an error in value. I did use ctrl Shift Enter to go along with the array data. And when I took out 'INDEX($C$19:$I$30,MATCH(C$1,$B$19:$B$30,0))'.. it results in a reference error. Can you help me out once again?
    Last edited by wildeye87; 02-03-2015 at 04:11 PM.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert mikerickson's Avatar
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    Re: Multi-Dimensional concatif coding

    I recognize the code that I wrote for the ConcatIf function.
    It looks like I'll have to write a ConcatIfs function.
    ...How to Cross-post politely...
    ..Wrap code by selecting the code and clicking the # or read this. Thank you.

  5. #5
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    Re: Multi-Dimensional concatif coding

    Is that something possible or at least easy enough you to improve? If you could modify this 'ConcatIf' as 'ConcatIfs', it would be great for me though!

  6. #6
    Forum Expert mikerickson's Avatar
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    Re: Multi-Dimensional concatif coding

    It will be easier if I could hard code a delimiter.
    While your need is for a comma delimiter, I've seen other coders who need commas in the data. Hmm.....

    Upgrading to a ConcatIfs is one of those projects that I've been putting off.
    I hope there isn't a rush, since I probably wont have time until the weekend.
    If that time scale works for you, great.
    If you need it sooner, give it a shot yourself and I can guide you through any problems. If you do it your self, dump the NoDuplicates argument and the If Instr.... line.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert Vikas_Gautam's Avatar
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    Re: Multi-Dimensional concatif coding

    Hi WildEye..
    I guess, there is a problem with references.
    Provide a sample of your workbook, if you can. Then It would a lot easier for me to work upon.

  8. #8
    Forum Expert Vikas_Gautam's Avatar
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    Re: Multi-Dimensional concatif coding

    Okay I guess I have been able to achieve it.
    Next time, be sure that you provide a sample workbook so that we don't have to create it ourselves.

    Here is the revised JoinC code, I have revised it in the post2 as well.

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  9. #9
    Forum Expert mikerickson's Avatar
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    Re: Multi-Dimensional concatif coding

    Here is the CountIfs UDF that I've developed.
    The syntax is =CountIfs(stringsRange, CriteriaRange1, Criteria1, CritereriaRange2, Criteria2,...., [optional Delimiter])

    The last argument is and optional delimiter that defaults to space.

    Note that any of the ranges can be rectangular, they need not be single column or row ranges.
    Note also that if the CriteriaRanges and Criterias are omitted, it will return a delimited string of the values in the StringsRange.
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    The attached is an example workbook
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    Last edited by mikerickson; 02-05-2015 at 03:23 AM.

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