Good morning guys,
I,m facing with a strange issue, yesterday (until yesterday all of them worked without any troubles)one of my colleague called me from office and told me that our excel files did not work properly anymore.
The files have commandbuttons (activex control) in sheet and are disable, cannot do anything with them. When I open (one of them) the file in workbook-open I have some commandbuttons hidden and when the user completes some textboxes in UserForm some commandbuttons (activex control) should apper but they did not. I tried to see what caused it but I have had no idea. Moreover, I try to create a test file adding an activex control -commandbutton and the message is "Cannot insert object".
Please tell me what should I do to solve this issue...I really appreciate your help.
I use win7 at home and at office also, I did not do any "update" or something similar, I did not do anything.