At the moment, all documents have been consolidated into separate sheets in one document. Does that change anything?
Yes it does, try this code:
To insert this code (at least on my computer, Windows)
1. Press Alt+F8
2. Clear the macro name field
3. Type the word LpWorksheets
4. Select the Create option
5. In between the Sub LpWorksheets and End Sub copy and paste the above code
6. Exit out of Visual Basic
7. Press Alt+F8
8. Select the LpWorksheets Macro and select run
I knew I forgot something into the OP! I'm running a Mac... how does that change things?
I'm not quite sure how this changes things I've never really worked with a Mac I'm sorry.
To answer your question, emails are in column G in the master list of contacts from my company, column L for sheets representing leases from March through June (4 sheets total) at the company that hired us, and column O for the month of July. The sheet for July was formatted differently than the other months, which explains the location discrepancy. Just to reiterate, what I need to do is search through Sheet 1 and highlight entries that match emails/names/numbers found in sheets 2-6.
It would be easier to help you if you could please provide an example workbook that mimics what you are trying to achieve. It's hard to guess what columns you will be searching in and where to look for information.
If you could please provide a sample workbook that shows the current format of your data with dummy data that would be great.