Hello folks,
Glad I found this site. I look forward to learning and knocking off the rust when it comes to Excel.
My issue besides being like Sgt. Schultz is I have two date ranges. I'm doing research on OTCBB stocks. One site provides histories with share prices out to the 4th decimal place but does not include dates when no trades occurred.
Another site, Yahoo Finance, only shows share price to the 1st decimal but includes the information for days when no trades were made.
I need the 4th decimal place and the zero trade days to get accurate information. I need the zero trade days to get an accurate volume average over different date ranges and I need the 4th decimal because many OTCBB stocks are penny stocks so the most accurate trade price is required.
I've included a screen shot of the dates. the column on the left are all the dates I need to include. The column on the right are the dates where trades occurred.
Is there a way to freeze the column on the left so I can scroll both the left and right columns as if they're locked to each other but insert rows into the right column only to copy the dates?