I have a text file that I want to import into excel. I have a column that is
a time field. (Ex. 142200)(hh:mm:ss). When I import it and format it in time,
I always get 00:00:00. Is there a command that I need to convert it.
I have a text file that I want to import into excel. I have a column that is
a time field. (Ex. 142200)(hh:mm:ss). When I import it and format it in time,
I always get 00:00:00. Is there a command that I need to convert it.
and format as time
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
"Robert Smith" <RobertSmith@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> I have a text file that I want to import into excel. I have a column that
> a time field. (Ex. 142200)(hh:mm:ss). When I import it and format it in
> I always get 00:00:00. Is there a command that I need to convert it.
> Robert
I don't think there's any way these numbers will be interpreted as hh:mm:ss
with either opening or importing a text file. 142200, since there's no
fractional part (right of the decimal point -- the part that indicates a
fraction of a day, or time) will always be zero. This value is a date of 29
Apr 2289, at midnight.
I think you'll have to open or import them as text (so you don't lose
leading zeroes, e.g.: 042200 for 04:22:00), then use another column to
convert them:
=TIME(LEFT(A2,2),MID(A2,3,2), RIGHT(A2,2))
Then this column would be formatted for hh:mm:ss, or however you want to see
Earl Kiosterud
"Robert Smith" <RobertSmith@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
>I have a text file that I want to import into excel. I have a column that
> a time field. (Ex. 142200)(hh:mm:ss). When I import it and format it in
> time,
> I always get 00:00:00. Is there a command that I need to convert it.
> Robert
Another formula that will convert it:
Still format as time.
Robert Smith wrote:
> I have a text file that I want to import into excel. I have a column that is
> a time field. (Ex. 142200)(hh:mm:ss). When I import it and format it in time,
> I always get 00:00:00. Is there a command that I need to convert it.
> Robert
Dave Peterson
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